I have been training since February 2009 with the goal of completing a cycling tour from Portland, Oregon, to Tybee Island, Georgia in 30 days. The PAC Tour group embarked on July 5th and we are traveling about 3600 miles and climbing approximately 124,000 cumulative feet. Please enjoy sharing my journey across America.
I am asking friends, family, and anybody else interested in following the trip to consider supporting this trip by making a donation to Seattle Children's Hospital, Research, and Foundation. Art and Kristin Reeck have made Children's a priority in their philanthropic efforts over the years, and I laud their achievements. I encourage donations to the Uncompensated Care Fund, to help pay the bills for children without insurance, or with inadequate insurance to pay their bills...lifting the financial and emotional burden from the children and their families. Indicate Jay Across America as the occasion for the donation so we can total the money raised.
Hopefully, someday, we won't have to raise money for causes like this. For now, however, I thank you for your support.
The donation total will be updated occasionally...Consider a donation per mile or vertical foot climbed...and follow on the GPS link, where you can see the route, the speed, the ride profile, the weather, and-yes-my heart rate.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Pac tour day 25

This AM we left Mississippi in another downpour...although it couldn't quite qualify as torrential today. While I did think that the ride to lunch was overwhelmingly marked by the smell of a septic system, the rolling roads and towering trees overrun with kudzu provided a good distraction from the stench. Fortunately, we didn't experience any mishaps like the couple falls yesterday (which didn't send anybody home). After a cheeseburger, a couple helpings of gourmet potatoes, and two slices of cake, I wandered off through the countryside - on completely rough chipseal - through overcast skies and humid air, until reaching our interchange hotel in Livingston, Alabama.

Wildlife sightings today included plenty more dead armadillos, and a group of turkey vultures feeding on a fresh 'dillo. We also came across several more frisky canines looking for some exercise...fortunately for me they didn't seem to like water being squirted at them from my bottle.

No pictures today or yesterday in order to keep the camera running...and there wasn't even an Alabama state sign.

Forecasts continue to call for more thunderstorms, and likely we'll be in rain for the rest of the trip. For me, it's better than severe heat and humidity without any cloud cover.


  1. Hard to believe you are almost finished. We are having record breaking heat, 107 at our house today! Tonight it cooled down with thunder clouds. I'm trying to imagine you in the office all day after a month of being outdoors all day. Heading up to Portland for the weekend, then vacation is over. Looking forward to all the pictures and stories. BE STRONG.


  2. Trust me, rain is much better than the heat and humidity of the Southeast. Just be careful on those slippery roads. Steady and safe will get you to the Atlantic coast in a few days :-)
