We not only got to take in the
Columbia River with the John Day Dam, but we saw the Deschutes River dumping into the Columbia,
witnessed an improbably located tree farm which stretched on for miles in the middle of rolling fields, and we saw Lon Haldeman riding along with us...on his
As I suspected, I am surrounded on this tour by people with some incredible stories to tell. There are numerous 508 finishers (a 508 mile race
across Death Valley), multiple finishers of Paris-Brest-Paris (a 1200 kilometer ride held every four years), and numerous Pac-Tour Hall of Fame Members (over 10,000 miles ridden with Pac Tour). There are other special stories as well.
One of our riders has followed Lon and Susan Haldeman and their Pac Tour adventures for over 15 years, thinking about the possibility of riding on a trip. Unfortunately, he lost his son to complications from neurocutaneous melanosis at age 4. He promised his son
to work to help find a cure...and now he's here, riding his heart out to raise money.
We cleaned up our bikes, cleaned up ourselves, and caught a ride to a local casino to hit up their buffet. Big time calorie load...and now, time to sleep.
In honor of your ride across America, I am going to ride my bike to work the month of July. Who cares about helmet hair! Stay strong.
Go Connie, go!